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A 4-year-old girl was shot while sleeping in the bedroom of her Houston apartment on New Year’s Day. The family has identified the girl as Arianna Delane, the niece of George Floyd.

Her father, Derrick Delane, said that at 3 a.m. their apartment was hit several times by gunfire on January 1. His daughter was asleep in her second story bedroom when a bullet pierced her torso.

“My daughter jumped up and said, ‘Daddy, I’ve been hit’ and I was shocked until I seen the blood and I realized my 4-year-old daughter was really hit,” Delane told ABC13

Police waited hours to respond

Delane believes their home was possibly targeted.

“Why would my house get shot up?” he said. “My daughter don’t know. I can’t explain that to her. As the father, you’re supposed to protect the kids.”

Arianna’s mother drove her to the hospital where the 4-year-old underwent surgery. She suffered a punctured lung and liver as well as three broken bones.

According to Arianna’s father, Houston Police didn’t respond to the shooting until 7am, four hours after it was reported.

Tuesday afternoon, Houston Police Chief Troy Finner launched an Internal Affairs investigation regarding the delayed response time.

“I am aware and have concerns regarding the delayed response time in this incident and have initiated an Internal Affairs investigation,” HPD Chief Troy Finner said on Twitter.

Arianna is still in the hospital, and expected to make a full recovery.

“She’s healing very fast. The last time I checked on her, she was breathing on her own,” her father said. “She was doing really great.”

Police are urging anyone with information on the case to contact the department’s major assaults and family violence division at 713-308-8800 or Crime Stoppers at 713-222-TIPS.

Mike Creef is a fighter for equality and justice for all. Growing up bi-racial (Jamaican-American) on the east coast allowed him to experience many different cultures and beliefs that helped give him a...

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